Javier Dargel

Javier Dargel

Telecommunication Engineer, is part of Teldat's R&D Department. Within this department he is specialized in Operating System Development
Moving towards a fully encrypted Internet: DNS encryption and ESNI in TLS

Moving towards a fully encrypted Internet: DNS encryption and ESNI in TLS

Web browsing first began as a system lacking in privacy that allowed users to view simple content in text mode. Since then, the service has evolved in both functionality–allowing you to view complex designs–and in its access methods–said web content can be downloaded encrypted. According to Google, in January 2019, 96 of the top 100 Internet sites could be accessed through SSL/TLS (HTTPS). This...

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The cloud gaming era is upon us. Is your router ready?

The cloud gaming era is upon us. Is your router ready?

The explosion of cloud services brings the bulk of computational load to the servers located on the Internet, freeing up the end devices from having to do this. This new paradigm gives rise to more demanding network requirements, both on the Internet and in the domestic routers used for access. Today we will focus on the requirements of cloud-based video gaming services, which, although...

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Code coverage: Another coverage to consider when using software applications

Code coverage: Another coverage to consider when using software applications

The concept of code coverage affects any existing software application, from PC programs, mobile apps, the latest application for your SmartTV or router firmware. While it’s not a concept that depends on whether the software is connected to the Internet, it does affect us all. Let’s explain what it is and how to deal with it. Broadly speaking, one could consider that a software lifecycle project...

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