Ethics Channel
Ethics Channel
TELDAT makes the Ethics Channel available to employees and third parties with whom it has professional relations. The Ethics Channel is a tool that allows you to report conduct that may involve a violation of the law or TELDAT’s Code of Conduct (click here to download).
With the implementation of the Ethics Channel, TELDAT takes a further step in its commitment with the current legislation and adds a tool that is decisive for the implementation of a regulatory compliance model that has all the guarantees.
The Ethics Channel will enable the entity to prevent and control possible inappropriate behavior and improve its business model. The implementation of this measure will also enhance the trust of its suppliers and customers, presenting the image of an entity with strong and current social principles.
This Ethics Channel will apply to all companies in the group located on various continents. All entities will benefit from the improvements brought about by the implementation of the channel.
Communications made will not result in any retaliation for the whistleblowers, who will enjoy all security guarantees. TELDAT highly values its employees, suppliers, and customers making communications through this channel, which is a demonstration of compliance with the entity’s ethical principles.
All communications will be confidential, whether made anonymously or confidentially.
TELDAT will not prejudge any information received, treating all individuals who may appear in any communication under the constitutional principle of presumption of innocence.
The data of whistleblowers and individuals appearing in communications will not be processed beyond the purpose of processing the communication. This is in accordance with the privacy notice that will be presented when submitting the communication and which will be accepted in advance by the whistleblowers.
whistleblowers may proceed to make a communication to the A.A.I. (Autoridad Independiente de Protección al Informante), which serves as an external information channel.