Vehicles are currently undergoing a technical revolution spearheaded by IoT technologies. While there are already examples of cars that can park on their own and self-driving vehicles are emerging, this is not yet a reality accessible to all.
And this is the challenge OEMs and part manufacturers for cameras, proximity sensors, etc. are currently facing: IoT technologies are still only found in GPS navigation systems and basic features. Security services, crash alerts and other functionalities need reliable connectivity services. Technology is going to play a key role in providing safety, cutting down costs, improving driver interactions and offering better monitoring capabilities of vehicle surroundings.
ConVex and the future of invehicle IoT
A group of companies and a university have used the ConVeX (“connected vehicle-to-everything”) concept for intelligent transport systems (ITS) and connected vehicles. The project uses connections operating at 5.9GHz frequency. Tests have been carried out using 2 cars going in opposite directions at a relative speed of up to 430Km/h, using all concepts covered by ConVeX: vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications at 5.9GHz ITS, and vehicle-to-network (V2N). The goal was to test the connectivity and use of all variables in future IoT vehicle technologies. Despite tests being ongoing, they have so far tested vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), interactions and the reliability of communications. The technology is still new, but the companies want to keep on developing new features for products such as autonomous cars.
IoT is going to offer much more than parking or driving capabilities. It’s going to give the automotive market the chance for vehicles to provide Smart fleet management, security, problem prevention, traffic monitoring, leisure, etc.
The digital transformation we are awaiting will allow vehicles to know where they’re going and the dangers they will be facing (restricted areas, closed roads, etc.). Moreover, sensors are expected to help prevent collisions with coming hazards. Monitoring cameras and proximity sensors will help the vehicle quickly react against any situation that might occur.
IoT: intelligent prediction of breakdowns and accident alerts in autonomous vehicles
And how about your car letting you know beforehand if there is something wrong? IoT services can predict if something is likely to go wrong with vehicle parts after analyzing the car. The driver will be informed of any potential problem the car may have and prevent it from stopping or failing to run. This helps sidestep issues and even save vehicle maintenance costs.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, what happens if the vehicle is involved in an accident? If the car suffers an accident, IoT services can use mobile networks to alert medical services and/or the police. Apart from that, your car can send you information about nearby gas stations and other services to avoid future problems. This can improve the car’s lifecycle, lower maintenance costs, reduce emergency response times and provide all kinds of related services.
Traffic monitoring and fleet management
IoT-equipped cars are also prepared to get around traffic in a more intelligent manner, since driving and parking in big cities is far easier when traffic conditions and parking saturation can be predicted. A US study states each truck driver spends 17 hours a year trying to find parking spaces. The time, fuel and emissions wasted translates into $73 billion. Moreover, when it comes to fleet management, in addition to providing basic vehicle data and GPS location, IoT can help companies draw better routes, carry out preventive maintenance, offer extensive mapping and detailed reports to be used in condition monitoring, provide remote diagnostics and help shape driving behavior to better manage the fleet and make a responsible use of vehicles. Insurance companies can have access to detailed data and charge policy-takers based on the use that is being made of the vehicle. Companies can base their prices on mileage or the manner in which cars are being driven, instead of using the traditional scale of assessment currently in place.
The importance of reliable vehicle communications
When it comes to new vehicle technologies and what they can bring to the table, communication remains key. There isn’t a single scenario in which reliable communications, enough bandwidth and latency (the time it takes for information packets to reach the server and come back) are not necessary. 4G has vastly improved networks, but each millisecond is crucial when taking the right decision. 5G technology can bring far more bandwidth and a low latency. In these kinds of scenarios, Teldat can deliver added value thanks to its ruggedized routers, certificates, and highly reliable products to guarantee the best conditions for all in-vehicle technologies. They are designed to offer protection against vibrations, dust, and power failures. In addition, our integrated SD-WAN solution offers optimal router management in company projects.