Public transport: from horse-drawn carriages to Wi-Fi equipped buses

Public transport: from horse-drawn carriages to Wi-Fi equipped buses

Many changes have taken place over the last few years, none more so than in the automotive industry. If we look back, we can see the continuous evolution of public transport, from its introduction, at the beginning of the 19th century, up to today. Public transport, in the form of omnibuses, made its first appearance in 1828. History tells us it was the owner of some thermal baths in Nantes...

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Access to guest networks

Access to guest networks

Nowadays, all companies provide their customers with Wi-Fi in some form or another. We find it in shopping malls, airports, restaurants, offices and even on transport. It is fair to say that Wi-Fi has become a commodity. Most customers want to connect to Wi-Fi services in the simplest way possible. Therefore, their preferred methods of accessing them might be an open Wi-Fi network or a password...

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