Global chip shortage

Global chip shortage

Chip supply is critically endangered at an international level. The COVID-19 pandemic has distorted supply chains in the highly globalized semiconductor industry and shattered the economic forecasts of companies.
This has caused a shortage of components that affect all sorts of product manufacturing processes (especially technological ones).

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SDN for IT resellers and system integrators: The best for SMEs

SDN for IT resellers and system integrators: The best for SMEs

In recent years, SMEs have undertaken the costly process of digital transformation with a great deal of effort and without the muscle of large corporations. And in a market profoundly marked by technological disruption, they must now also face the ultimate test: the COVID-19 pandemic. Faced with the current situation, business resilience involves continuing along the digitization path, but with...

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Peer-to-peer networks

Peer-to-peer networks

Cryptocurrencies have been hailed as one of the greatest technological revolutions of recent years. Bitcoin is the pioneer and best-known of them, but there are hundreds more – each with different characteristics, objectives and technologies behind them to make them work. Readers might think that electronic money already existed long before cryptocurrencies, and they would be right. Bank...

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How did Blockchain commence?

How did Blockchain commence?

As we previously mentioned in an article published in June 2019, the Bitcoin did not create a new computer technology but integrated a series of pre-existing techniques in a revolutionary manner. The possibilities this protocol could bring were soon condensed in a new disruptive paradigm known as BLOCKCHAIN. But what is Blockchain exactly? In its strictest sense, Distributed Ledger Technology...

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React, a new technology

React, a new technology

Launched in 2010 by Facebook, React is an open source technology that became popular when Facebook bought Instagram in 2014 and launched this new language. Facebook, together with a free software community made up of more than 1,000 developers, is in charge of its maintenance. As a result, this new technology has become one of the most innovative when it comes to programming. What is React used...

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In the beginning there was BITCOIN

In the beginning there was BITCOIN

Few things have spurred as much interest in the ICT sector in recent times as Blockchain technology. It stems from an article titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” published on May 24, 2008 by a certain Satoshi Nakamoto[1] , along with a computer application launched a few months later (November 1, 2008). Whether or not Satoshi Nakamoto (whose identity remains mysterious, but...

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