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2018 – Many milestones reached

Dec 22, 2018

Teldat wishes you a Merry ChristmasOnce again, we come to the end of another year in which Teldat has been able to reach many of the milestones that it had originally set itself. SD-WAN is now a total market and corporate reality. Not only have we had decisive projects in the SD-WAN area, but important market research companies have also positioned  us as a leading provider in the global SD-WAN field – see this on our Home page. Obviously, apart from the relevance this has from a business perspective, we are very proud to have reached this position.

This said, we have made progress in many other interesting technologies and markets, apart from SD-WAN. To mention but a few, in 2018, Teldat launched the new Smart Grid solution as part of our web. This is a vertical market segment in which we are gaining presence on a global basis. We have also signed an agreement with the Spanish College of Telecommunication Engineers (COIT) on Smart Trains, another key vertical market for Teldat with a huge potential as 5G technology and IoT increase their presence within this market. Teldat has also been invited to be a remember of Cre100do, an organization aimed at acting as a booster for Spanish companies looking to grow in the near future. It has obviously been an honor for Teldat to be invited  to join Cre100do.

The Teldat blog and our other social media platforms have had a very successful year. We are very satisfied with our results, for example having surpassed over 5.000 followers on Linkedin. This can definitely be attributed to our many bloggers and their posts, which are published on this platform on a weekly basis.

To wrap up this year, we would like to thank all our readers for their loyalty and interest, as well as all new followers who have joined our communication channels.

We also want to wish everyone, our readers, customers and friends, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May 2019 be as fruitful for you, as this year 2018 has been for us.

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