Communicate with us

A Year ending…

Dec 19, 2014

Anna Maria Schmitz - Navidad 2014This year 2014 that will finish shortly, has meant among other things, a change in the way Teldat has interacted with our customers, suppliers and all those interested in our technology and what we do.

Since June, when we launched this blog and our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, we have shared many things with our readers: activities, knowledge, opinions, projects, case studies. Everything that we considered relevant to show what makes and what is a small Spanish multinational company which is able to compete with the largest companies within its market sector.

To end this year, we want to thank all our readers for their loyalty and interest as well as welcoming more than 1.000 new followers who have joined our communication channels.

Moreover, we especially want to wish all of them, to all who read us occasionally and all our customers and friends, to have a very merry Christmas and may 2015 be as fruitful for them as this 2014 has been for us.

Teldat Group

Photo: Anna Maria : Teldat´s annual drawing competition. Congratulations!

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