Jorge Parra

Jorge Parra

Strategic Marketing Manager. Telecommunications engineer and expert in SaaS and digital transformations at Teldat
Towards a Thin CPE

Towards a Thin CPE

It has been more than 10 years since desktop virtualization, generally found under the acronym of VDI technology, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, was proposed as one of the main technological drivers for providing greater flexibility, efficiency and control to the workstation (PC) – increasingly destined to become “hardwareless” and distributed between multiple devices (as pointed out by the...

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The expansive reach of artificial intelligence

The expansive reach of artificial intelligence

Now that we are close to celebrating its 70th anniversary, the growing scope of Artificial Intelligence and the direct and indirect role it plays in our daily lives and in future developments cannot be contested. A quick review of the most relevant breakthroughs in the field, from Turing’s test in the 1950s (the first designed to study a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior) to the...

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Optimized user experience

Optimized user experience

We’re still in the midst of digesting what could be termed the “first decade of cloud”, and yet it is already evoking the relentless – though, at the same time, typical of our natural condition as human beings – need to unveil the next “technological futurism” that awaits us: what’s next? Although it is only relatively recently that we have settled into this young and “digitally transformed” era...

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