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The 5th Mobile Generation: Research on the Future Internet

May 26, 2015

Global communicationMobile Internet becomes more and more popular. Whereas mobile Internet has only been used for email checking, it is now used for the same applications as the Internet by cable: surfing the Internet, playing online games, listening to music or streaming videos and films. In addition to this trend there is a further development: The Internet of Things on which more and more devices are connected to the network and among each other. For this increasing demand, the capacity of the 4G standard will not be sufficient anymore.

Therefore, researchers already focus on the next step of mobile standard – the 5th mobile generation. Even though research and standardization have not been completed, it is quite clear that 5G will be a mobile network which will eliminate weak points and enable new requirements.

What shall 5G mobile network achieve?

First of all it should be mentioned that currently, that there are only visions of what 5G could and should achieve. A lot is based on concrete research results and their derived prognoses but there is still a long way to go until a full adoption of a reliable standard is available. The new standard promises the following improvements:

  • Energy consumption within the network should be reduced by 5G technology. It turned out that LTE technology initially developed for broadband connection is not optimally suited for narrow-band traffic and sensors which are especially important for the Internet of Things. Sensors for smoke alarms for instance don’t require much bandwidth but they do require long-life batteries. The advantage over industrial sensor networks is that they can be independently applied if they are connected via mobile cellular networks. A mandatory requirement would be a radio technology at a reasonable price which consumes only one battery charge in several years.
  • A further goal is to reduce latency times which are typical within LTE in order to enable new applications. Vehicle information systems, for example, which control an automobile just before a crash, have to have latency times of less than 10 ms in order to be adequate for the automobile manufacturers’ market. The idea of the system is that all systems integrated in the automobile, communicate via M2M in case an accident could not be avoided by the driver. Within fractions of a second the system analyses the collision scenario and the angle of incidence in order to calculate the belt tensioning and the airbag opening. Thus the consequences of an accident can be mitigated.
  • It is said that data transfer rates up to 10,000 Mbits/s can be achieved via 5G. Therefore, 5G would be about 100 times faster than LTE Cat-3 which has up to 100 Mbits/s and is 20 times faster than the fastest 4G networks at present. In theory more than 1 GB of data per second can be downloaded. First live tests on the Mobile World Congress 2015 in Barcelona have achieved incredible data rates of up to 3560 Mbits/s.

Introduction as of 2020?

It will still take years until consumers will are offered the high speed 5G network. The industry is planning an introduction in a phased manner as of around 2020. As an innovative manufacturer of mobile network routers Teldat of course is engaged with this subject and is looking forward to the future developments.

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