CAPITAL Magazine interviews Teldat’s President, Antonio García Marcos

When it comes to defining the traits that have made Teldat’s success possible, the media outlet points at creativity and rebelliousness.
March 16, 2020

Antonio García Marcos _ Presidente de TeldatCapital Magazine has published an interview with Teldat’s President, Antonio García Marcos. In it, he discusses the origins of the company and how creativity and rebelliousness went on to become the Group’s most distinguishable traits and the key to its ongoing success. In the words of Antonio García Marcos, “we were among the first to see the potential of developing applications specially designed for mobile data channels”. This allowed Teldat to take on the network and Wi-Fi connections of high-speed trains in Spain, as well as other international projects in New Zealand or the United States. All of them have helped Teldat, which boasts a staff of over 200 engineers and a turnover of 66 million euros, become one of the industry’s leading European companies.
Moreover, García Marcos went on to explain what measures were taken to manage the need to transform while keeping a healthy technology/business balance. It was not always easy: “At the beginning, all of us were technologists. Among engineers, there is a high degree of endogamy. Particularly when it comes to telecommunications”. He acknowledges that they were soon aware of their lack of business vision: “We now have fifteen engineers in the team, all of them business-oriented. However, it is hard for all pieces to grow at the same time”.
The magazine goes on to highlight Teldat’s solid financial position, which allows it to keep adapting and finding its place in an industry the company’s President defined as “a jungle full of predators in which many people want in”. These factors will surely help the company face and overcome the current transformations of the IT and telecommunications sector.
Lastly, Antonio García Marcos referred to the human quality of Teldat’s employees. This factor, together with the ones mentioned previously, will allow Teldat to keep growing and reach, as of now, not only big corporations but also SMEs.
You can purchase a copy by clicking here. 


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