Teldat at La Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica 2022 event

Teldat was present at the telecommunications night in Catalonia, organized by the Associació Catalana d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Tecnologies Digitals.
March 22, 2022

Teldat did not want to miss the opportunity to attend the night of telecommunications held in Barcelona on March 21st, 2022!
The Nit de las Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica is the institutional and reference event of the telecommunications and information technology sector held in Barcelona since 1995.
It is organized jointly by the Catalan Association of Telecommunications Engineering and Digital Technologies ( and the Official College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia (COEINF) and is the networking meeting par excellence for professionals, companies, public administration, associations, and institutions in the ICT sector.
Francisco Martin Balbuena, Teldat Regional Sales Director, mentions that “it has been a pleasure for Teldat to be present at an event like the Nit de las Telecomunicacions, which promotes the role of women in the ICT sector and works every day to make technology an increasingly ethical sector”.
The whole Teldat team would like to congratulate all the award winners of the night.
You can see the photo album of the event by clicking here.The event, which was streamed live, can be viewed again by clicking here.

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