Teldat forms part of the Spanish Gaia-X hub

Teldat joins as a representative of the Constituent Board of the Spanish Gaia-X hub, an entity created to promote interconnection and the creation of synergies between its partners around data.
April 7, 2022

The Gaia-X national association seeks to generate a stable and permanent collaborative framework for the promotion of secure, transparent and practical sharing and exploitation of data in Spain, accompanying the alignment with government guidelines and digitization plans of various sectoral working groups.

The objective of all of them is the operational exploitation of the sector’s data spaces, through the characterization of the data life cycle along its transformative chain, as well as the degree of sectoral maturity of the ‘data economy’; assessing the sector’s data needs in provision and
exploitation and the practical applications of these datasets; and identifying key players and their relationships, with a special focus on SMEs.

In a second phase, an inventory of use cases, proof of concepts and pilot initiatives, and R&D&I data projects already deployed in the sector will be coordinated to ensure their viability, relevance, scalability, and sustainability.

In addition, the technical needs of semantic and technical interoperability, accessibility, security, privacy, robustness, quality and interpretability and transparency throughout its life cycle, standardization and homogenization, metadata, focus on results, refresh rate, etc., will be defined in the areas of technological architecture, SW building blocks and detailed characteristics of public and private datasets considered of high value (HVDS).

Gaia-X coordinates with European initiatives and networks such as the European Cloud Alliance, IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest), DIH (Digital Innovation Hubs), EUHubs4Data (European federation of Data-Driven Innovation Hubs) or the TEF (Testing and Experimentation Facilities), within the framework of the Digital Europe Program.

As a first practical application in which Teldat is already collaborating, we can mention the Agri-Food Data Space, among others of interest such as Health, Industry 4.0, Mobility or SmartCity.

The Agri-Food Working Group is oriented towards all aspects of the sector’s value chain, such as production, transformation, and commercialization of the product. Following a strategy of collaboration in the exploitation of data and for the implementation of digital enabling technologies with working groups from other national and European platforms.

This group is co-led by the Junta de Castilla La Mancha (JCCM), Grupo Teldat, CTIC Centro Tecnológico, AMETIC, Asaja CLM and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC).

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