Teldat’s CEO, Ignacio Villaseca, named Engineer of the Year 2019

COIT and AEIT announce Ignacio Villaseca, General Manager and member of the Teldat Board of Directors, as the recipient of the 2019 Engineer of the year award
September 30, 2019

The Official College of Telecommunications Engineers and the Spanish Association of Telecommunications Engineers chose the St. Gabriel Festival in Madrid to announce Ignacio Villaseca as Engineer of the Year 2019. Ignacio is currently the CEO of Teldat, a company he joined in 1992 as Managing Director and member of the Board of Directors.
COIT and AEIT, through this award, recognize Ignacio’s key contribution to the Spanish telecommunications sector. After finishing a Telecommunications Engineering degree in 1981 at UPM and an MBA in 1990 at IESE, Ignacio’s professional career began in ITT/Standard Eléctrica’s R&D division, and from there he went to work for Seinvesa as Product Manager and later Technical Manager between 1982 and 1986. He then joined Harris Ibérica as Marketing Director, between 1986 and 1989, and after that was appointed Engineering and Support Manager of Nokia Data España (from 1989 to 1992).
Villaseca is also a member of IMDEA Networks’ Board of Trustees and throughout his career has served as board member of various companies in which the Teldat Group has participated.
The “Engineer of the Year” award, created by COIT and AEIT in 1982, aims to recognize, each year, the personal and professional career of the award-winning engineer. Some of those recognized in previous editions of the award include: Cayetano Carbajo, Carlos Espinós, Pedro Jurado, Alberto Rodríguez Raposo, Reinaldo Rodríguez, Bernardo Lorenzo, Antonio Luque, Francisco Ros, Mateo Valero, Francisco Román, Julio Linares, Luis Álvarez Satorre, Emma Fernández, Rafael Gallego, Miguel Ángel Panduro, Cristina Álvarez. Ignacio Villaseca takes over from Nuria Oliver, who picked up the award in 2018.
In the words of Marta Balenciaga, Dean-President of COIT and President of AEIT, “Ignacio has been capable of guiding Teldat, during 25 years of frantic technological change, and making it a Spanish company of reference on both a national and international level.  Today, Teldat is undoubtedly Europe’s  leading European company in SD-WAN development and designing corporate network access devices. And we cannot forget that Teldat’s president, Antonio García Marcos, was also presented with this award in 2000”.
The event was also a time to recognize associates who have been 50 years in the business and remember those telecommunications engineers who left us in 2019.
To see the Flickr álbum with the photos taken at the event, click here…

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