Rolling Stock – Teldat launches new web pages

Teldat launches three new rolling stock web pages describing, among other aspects, its 5G, Wi-Fi 6 and SD-WAN solutions for rolling stock
November 22, 2021

In order to easily explain its detailed ROLLING STOCK solutions via the web, Teldat has published three new web pages.
The first web page, Overview, summarizes the market, Teldat’s offerings, each solution’s most important points, a video and summary sections that take the user directly to the other two new web pages. All this to provide users with a quick and easy UX to help them locate their points of interest.
The Solutions web page contains information on Teldat’s hardware and software solutions for rolling stock. The hardware solutions range from the H2-Rail communications platform, the access point APR2044ax with Wi-Fi 6, and the 5Ge Rail to obtain 5G connectivity, as well as the be.IoT for gathering IoT data.
There is also a web page containing Use cases and customer case studies focused on Teldat’s different ”Target Markets”.
These web pages inform on how important aspects such as passenger experience, operational efficiency, train-to-ground communications or onboard communications can be improved.

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