The vehicle of the future

The vehicle of the future

One day, Henry Ford said: "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses". Twenty years later, horses had disappeared from the roads. Today, vehicles come with advanced safety, alternative fuels, and intelligent driving assistance packages. But what about the vehicles of tomorrow? Continuous improvements in 5G communications give rise to smart mobility, vehicle...

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A connected future: IoT, LoRaWAN and the importance of cybersecurity (SIoT)

A connected future: IoT, LoRaWAN and the importance of cybersecurity (SIoT)

In a world where technology is moving ahead at a staggering speed, the Internet of Things like SIoT (Secure Internet of Things) is revolutionizing our present by connecting everyday devices and objects to the web (fostering an unprecedented data exchange and transforming the way in which we interact with the environment around us). In this vast and exciting technological plane, a specific...

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IoT Cybersecurity for Smart Cities

IoT Cybersecurity for Smart Cities

We are currently living in a time where Spain’s municipalities are receiving lots of aid through European Next Generation funds including, among others, the water and agri-food PERTEs (Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation). Projects relating to these funds are focused on the digitalization of the various sectors and verticals making up Smart Cities. Massive deployments of...

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IoT: Use cases and challenges

IoT: Use cases and challenges

After several years in which the growth forecasts for the IoT market were not met, 2019 exceeded expectations, and certain market analysts predict connected devices will increase by 21% in 2020. We can therefore say that the broader adoption of this technology is finally taking place, and this mass adoption comes with several questions:   What are and what will be the use cases? Smart...

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Smart tourism

Smart tourism

Now that the second decade of the 21st century is about to end, sustainability and digitalization have become challenges all city areas must face. With this in mind, the 40th FITUR edition, which just took place in Madrid, has greatly focused on the need to incorporate new technologies to tourist destinations and turn them into “Smart Destinations”. So as to meet the above mentioned challenges,...

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Open Data – contributes to Smart Cities

Open Data – contributes to Smart Cities

A few weeks ago, we blogged about the importance of Smart Cities to promote smart sustainable cities. Half the population worldwide now lives in big cities, and this figure is expected to rise over the next ten years. Recent UN studies show that urban centers consume as much as 78% of the world’s energy and produce more than 60% of greenhouse gas emissions. This problem directly affects the...

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